Monday, October 5, 2009

Expectations of one another

In today's world women are being more vocal about their expectations of their significant other. While this level upfront communication is applauded on this end, a man is often seen as "sexist" if he himself attempts to state the expectations of his wife/girlfriend. How do you feel about this statement? Do you agree or disagree?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why should I have to get rid of it?

So here is the question. If your siginificant other owned a VERY expensive piece of jewlery that their ex had given them, should they have to get rid of it?

Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is a good way to get this thing started. I now have a buddy that is all messed up because the woman he was dating broke up with him. The reason, because he was too nice!!! He was the romantic, flowers for no reason, giving you your space, type of guy. So my question is this, if he was too nice, does that mean that some women want a guy to be mean? LUNACY I TELL YOU!