Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is a good way to get this thing started. I now have a buddy that is all messed up because the woman he was dating broke up with him. The reason, because he was too nice!!! He was the romantic, flowers for no reason, giving you your space, type of guy. So my question is this, if he was too nice, does that mean that some women want a guy to be mean? LUNACY I TELL YOU!


Unknown said...

He was too easy a mark, and she lost interest because there was no longer a thrill of the hunt. This is why I smack a bitch.

Spock Norris said...

So the dude is dating the girl and is now messed up because she dumped him?!? I interpret this as someone who is attached rather than being nice. Perhaps she needed someone emotionally stronger than that. Nice would be icing on the cake.

Inquisitor said...

@ Spock...really? Emotionally stronger? I find that hard to swallow. He's messed up because he loved her and he's hurt. In a day and age that women always claim that men do show their feelings...I find it hard to believe it was a failing on his part. Buy hey, I may be biased, after he is a friend of mine.

Mel---yes that Mel! said...

Why, Hello! No, its not that women want men to be mean, but maybe she saw that there wasn't enough to him. Maybe he was missing something that she needed. Whether that be a disagreement every once in a while or just a sad face! Who wants a guy that agrees with everything they say????

Inquisitor said...

An argument? I don't think that a guy that doesn't like to argue is a bad thing. So to show you that he cares you want him to pick a fight with you every blue moon?

ChocolateOrchid said...

Interesting topic. Common issue.
It could be that A. she just wasn't feelin' him or B. she doesn't know what she wants,yet.

Some women don't understand that a "bad" boy will bring you nothing but pain and disappointment. They get caught up in the negative thrill like it's a drug. Once she or they get to the point where they realize the futility of seeking a relationship w/a "bad" boy, they appreciate a nice man. The kind who is good for a healthy relationship.

Just my two cents,

Anonymous said...

This is a silly argument. Women like men that are respectful and kind to them the same as men appreciate women that are nice to them. She wasn't feeling him or he came on too strong or another unspecified reason. When a guy hears the phrase "Listen, you're a really nice guy, but..." It does not mean that he is "too nice" it means that she said something nice first before hitting him with the bad news.

For example, a salesperson brings a suit/dress to the dressing room while you are trying something else on. You are, in fact, looking for a suit/dress but you don't like the one the salesperson has chosen. "Oh, thank you, that's a nice suit/dress, but..." It's merely a way of positively enforcing the negative statement of rejection to come.