Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why should I have to get rid of it?

So here is the question. If your siginificant other owned a VERY expensive piece of jewlery that their ex had given them, should they have to get rid of it?


Je' said...

Personally, I feel that she or he doesn't have to. Why? Because that item existed before the current significant other did. It shouldn't matter what was given or took place in the past, the present is what counts. Besides, if it causes that much trouble, sell it and get the money.

Inquisitor said... if your man had a watch that his ex girlfriend gave him, you wouldnt feel wierd about that?

Unknown said...

As a general rule, no. But it depends based on the emotional significance attached to said object. It's clear from their behavior if it's just an object or if it's a passive-aggresive was of hanging on to the past. If a relationship is strong and there's open communication, couples won't have issues with this regardless.

Unknown said...

They sould not get rid of the piece of jewelry: however, if there is a rainy day I would make my significant other pawn it or sell it ; ].

ChocolateOrchid said...

I would say, "Yes". They should get rid of it as in sell it (especially in this economy). Expensive gifts are given with emotion and intent. Holding on to the item suggests that there is still some emotion there. If there is no emotion, then it should be no problem selling it.

Unless, of course, it's a beautiful set of earrings or gorgeous necklace or some fly-azz shoes. (Oh. We are talking about jewelry.) What can I say?.. I'm a girl.

Don't judge me.

Anonymous said...

Why keep it? I think you are keeping it because there is still some emotional attachment to it. If you really care about your current love, I would pawn it and take them out somewhere nice or just keep the money for a rainy day.

Farrah said...

Just because you kept something from a previous relationship does not imply that you still have feelings for your ex. Maybe that really expensive bracelet looks cute with your outfit. Who cares who gave it to you? If you're secure in your relationship then it shouldn't matter.